Currently MMM has two ongoing classes:

The Picnic Pickers is a group class capped at 6 people that meets for an hour every Saturday morning at 11am Eastern for an hour. Enrollment for the month is $120. These classes have been a blast! With a fantastic global community we meet weekly and learn guitar! I come with prepared material, but most of the class is open to address your picking, theory, fretboard, songwriting, and general guitar-related questions. We build upon previous weeks, troubleshoot, provide feedback and much more. The icing on the cake is the comraaderie. Learning guitar alone can be slow and frustrating. Having a support group is a great and fun way to keep up accountability, keep it light hearted, and stay inspired!

email me to sign up!

The Monthly Deep Dive is the newest MMM course. Each month the community at large will decide on a specific song in the MMM catalog they would like to learn or improve upon. We'll meet on Zoom at the start of the month to discuss the song, go over the picking concepts, and I'll provide study pieces, technique tips, and a methodology to tackle the piece.
Throughout the month, we’ll keep the conversation going in the MMM Discord, where you can share videos of your playing and receive feedback. At the end of the month we’ll have another meeting where y'all can showcase your newly won mastery and fine tune any hiccups! The MIP (Most Improved Picker) will get a free copy of an MMM eBook of their choice.

Dates + Deets For January’s Deep Dive:

  1. John Prine’s “That’s the Way the World Goes Round”

  2. Intro Class: Sat, Feb 1 at 10:15-10:55 AM Eastern

  3. Final Class: Sat, Feb 22 at 10:15-10:55 AM Eastern

  4. $30 enrollment

  5. email to sign up!